Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Intermission 1 - Calvin Schrag

This week I've been reading some of the work of Calvin Schrag, one of the leading US proponents of 'Continental' (mainly existential and postmodern) philosophy. His work is dense and complicated and technical but he has been necessary in helping me explore the idea that I might synthesise the existential thinking of Heidegger and Tillich with the process theology of Whitehead and Cobb.

He is 93 years old. A few years ago he was asked to sum up the learning of his life and whether any of it makes a difference to the way we live (the question was posed in a more philosophical way, but I think this is what they were getting at). Here are his final words: '...we all do well to heed the call of the ancient prophets of Israel, and especially Micah's consummate admonition to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with one's God. Striving for justice, kindness, mercy, and humility pretty much consolidates matters when one adds up that which counts "existentially and personally."'

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